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CCC financial results IQ 2015 press release

CCC S.A., the largest distributor and manufacturer of footwear in Poland, developed in IQ 2015, 6,4 million PLN net profit at 432,0 million PLN revenue from sales. The operating profit amounted to 10,4 million PLN and EBITDA was 24,1 million PLN.
In IQ the CCC Group continued the plans of expanding the own sales network which on 31.03.2015 was 290,1 thousand square meters. Total sales area, including franchise stores in the country and abroad, amounts 316,3 thousand square meters.

According to strategic objective of the CCC Group for 2013-2015, which is becoming a leader in the footwear market in the Central and Eastern Europe, the Group continued expansion in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Moreover, the CCC Group continued expansion in Austria, Slovenia, Croatia and Germany which was started in 2013. The company opened first stores in Bulgaria.

Detailed financial data of CCC are as follows:

In thousands of PLN Q1 2015 Q1 2014 change (value) change (%)
Net revenues of sales 431 913 359 691 72 222 20,1%
Operating profit 10 379 5 035 5 344 106,1%
Net profit 6 409 416 5 993 1 440,6%


Sales network abroad at the end of March 2015 included 288 own stores, inter alia: 78 in Czech Republic, 57 in Hungary, 30 in Slovakia, 33 in Romania, 32 in Germany, 23 in Austria, 8 in Croatia, 6 in Slovenia, 3 in Turkey and 2 in Bulgaria.

Main strategic objective remains a further development of network sales, especially of own retail outlets, which will lead to the increasing of the market share, strengthening the leadership in the domestic footwear market and abroad and gaining till the end of 2015 the position of the leader in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Number of stores of CCC Group

Number of stores Condition on 31.03.2014 Condition on 31.03.2015
CCC Poland - own stores 347 368
CCC Poland - agency 38 38
CCC Poland - franchise 8 -
CCC Russia/Latvia/Kazakhstan/Ukraine - franchise 16 16
CCC Romania - franchise 20 33
CCC Czech Republic 74 78
CCC Slovakia 25 30
CCC Hungary 52 57
CCC Germany 5 32
CCC Austria 9 23
CCC Slovenia 4 6
CCC Croatia 4 8
CCC Turkey 2 3
CCC Bulgaria - 2
BOTI - own stores 59 25
BOTI - franchise 28 6
Total number of units 708 729


"We are very pleased with the results achieved in the first quarter of 2015. This was a good period for us in terms of both sales and rapid expansion, especially in German-speaking countries. Everything went according to the plan, and it is quite important as the year 2015 is the year in which we are expecting to report the highest growth rate of floor space in the entire history of the CCC Group. The decrease in trade margin in the country was compensated easily with higher margins achieved abroad "


For further information:

Piotr Nowjalis
The Vice President of the Management Board, a CFO
Tel. (76) 84 58 420
e-mail: [email protected]
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The Group CCC is a leader in the Polish retail footwear market and the largest manufacturer in Poland.The Capital Group of CCC consists of CCC S.A. - The company managing the network sales, CCC Factory Ltd., dealing with the production of footwear, NG2 Suisse S.a.r.l., the company managing the company trademarks, companies managing sales on foreign markets; CCC Czech s.r.o., CCC Slovakia s.r.o., CCC Hungary Shoes Kft, CCC Austria Ges.m.b.H., CCC Germany G.m.b.H., CCC Hrvatska d.o.o., CCC Obutev d.o.o., CCC Shoes Turkiye. Sales of a collection is run in total in more than 700 outlets under the brands of CCC, BOTI and Lasocki. Suppliers of shoes for the Company are both foreign manufacturers (especially sewing on behalf of the CCC, Chinese producers), domestic ones as well as our own production facilities. The CCC Group's share in the highly fragmented market of footwear is estimated at 19 -20%.

See also

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