Karol Półtorak
Vice-president of the Management Board

Karol Pótorak is a gradute of the Main School of Commerce and the University of Derby. He is connected with the national capital market since 1999. He is a holder of the stock broker licence since 1997.
He was the vice-president of the Warsaw Stock Exchange from 2014 to March 2016, where he was responsible i.a. for finaces. He was then also a member of the supervisory board of the National Deposit for Securities (Poland), the chairman of the Supervisory Board of KDPW_CCP, a member of the Supervisory Board of Stock Exchange Center and the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the GP Services Center.
Previously, during the years 2011-2014, he was working for Citi Group as a vice-president of the management baord of the Commerical Bank Brokerage House. While being the chief of Capital Operations Office he was conducting transactions for acquiring the capital for companies quoted at the GPW and their shareholders (IPO, pre-IP, accelerated equity offerings, follow-on, dual-listings, equity-linked) by cooperating with investors and issuers, both national and foreign.
During the period from 2000 to 2011 he was working for UniCredit CAIB (Warsaw and London), where he was executing ECM and M&A transactions in various sectors of the ecenomy, i.a. the retail sector. Earlier professional experience of Mister Karol Półtorak covers the work of an auditor in PwC (1999-2000), for Deutsche Bank Securities (earlier name ProCapita)(1999) and Grant Thornton in London (1998).
Karol Półtorak is not conducting competitive action against the Issuer, is not a partner in a competitive partnership, is not amember of a body of a competitive capital group, or any other competitive legal person. Mister Karol Półtorak is not entered into the Register of Insolvent Debtors, being kept under the National Court Register Act.
Information regarding the amount of possessed shares:
The amount of possessed shares of CCC Company S.A. company - 5,500 common bearer shares