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Press release 03.07.2018 - DeeZee starts cooperation with CCC Group

On July 3rd 2018 CCC and DeeZee signed a contract to enter operational and financial cooperation. Both parties assume numerous positive effects of the cooperation – DeeZee is looking forward to the support of CCC’s financial strength and scale, while CCC Group is to enrich its offer for young ladies customer group.

DeeZee has been active on Polish footwear ecommerce market since 2005 and since then has become one of the most renown independent retailers in the segment. In 2017 its revenues reached the level of 35M PLN. The platform’s big, still growing, popularity comes from very big presence in social media (over 1,3M followers on Facebook and Instagram), an extensive contact network in fashion which translates to wide press coverage, and very active marketing.

„For us cooperation with DeeZee means, most of all, even better contact with the younger generation of customers (ladies between 15 and 24 years old). It will let us significantly increase the scope of offer in fashion oriented segment for this customer group and further empower our online channels.” comments Dariusz Miłek, CEO of CCC Group.

DeeZee will stay active on the online fashion oriented affordable ladies’ footwear market. In the coming months, thanks to joining CCC Group, it’s looking forward to exercising several synergies including widening of product range and improving cooperation terms with suppliers, in order to be able to offer the customers even more fashion products and increase the sales growth.

„Cooperation with a market leader that’s present in 22 countries, and such is CCC, for us means a chance to join the fastest growing footwear retail group in Europe. I’m sure that we can use it well. We can see numerous synergies in online segment for all the CCC Group’s entities, in such fields as product sourcing, logistics and international expansion. We also count on achieving even better DeeZee brand recognition through our presence in CCC stationary store network. All those factors should effect in increasing satisfaction of our customers, which is key for both us and CCC.”, comments Dominika Żak, CEO of DeeZee.

According to the contract, CCC will boost DeeZee’s capital with 13M PLN and in return take up over 51% of shares in DeeZee’s business. At the same time the parties have agreed on further gradual increase of CCC’s stake, potentially up to 100% within the next 5 years.

DeeZee’s revenues reached the level of 35M PLN in 2017, 100% of it coming from Polish market, with a net loss of 880k PLN (unaudited data). Almost all of the revenues came from ladies’ footwear. At the end of 2017 the company employed 50 employees and cooperators. The company is based in Krakow.

Total floorspace of CCC Group is currently over 625k sqm and counts 1150 stores, over half of them outside of Poland. Sales in 2017 exceeded 4,1B PLN. CCC Group is currently present in 22 countries (18 offline and 14 online). As of March 2018 it employed 13 000 employees.

For further information contact:

Bartłomiej Piekarski
Investor Relations Manager
Phone: +48 76 84 58 686
Mobile: +48 667-872-742
e-mail: [email protected]

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