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CCC "hires" a virtual seller

CCC does not slow down the development of omnichannel and has just launched a virtual advisor service supporting the Customer Service Department. On the Google Assistant platform the solution is available in the voice version and on the Facebook Messenger platform in the text version. Chatbot will check product availability, size, ans its price as well. It will also provide information on the current order, shipment or complaint process, as well as locations and opening hours of stores.

The virtual advisor works 24/7, which makes him the most accessible and at the same time "busy" CCC seller. This is extremely important now, when we are limited when it comes to direct contact of customers with store employees - says Robert Prokopowicz, head of the CCC Customer Service Department.

Introducing such virtual innovations is part of our company's larger digital transformation process. Coming soon! - adds Jakub Jasiński, Director of Omnichannel CCC.

CCC is one of the leaders in introducing innovative IT tools for the client. The virtual seller solution operates based on artificial intelligence algorithms and is being developed jointly with YoshAI.

Chatbot is developed on the basis of the Google - Dialogflow solution and enables automated user service through a machine that responds to user queries through a dialog in text and voice form. To use the help of a virtual seller, just log in to the CCC Shoes & Bags Fanpage and click on the Messenger icon or Google Assistant by calling "Talk to CCC". Chatbot is constantly learning new customer inquiries, which efficiently responds to current information and consulting needs.

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