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CCC Group centralizes sales of the DeeZee brand on MODIVO and CCC platforms

CCC Group centralizes sales of the DeeZee brand on MODIVO and CCC platforms

The DeeZee brand’s offering is now available through the CCC Group’s sales omnichannels —CCC and MODIVO.

As part of a new business strategy, the online store for DeeZee — a strong and recognizable fashion brand in Poland, offering footwear and accessories for women — will be integrated with MODIVO. Sales of DeeZee products will be conducted via MODIVO and CCC’s omnichannel platforms.

DeeZee will remain active on its social media platforms, which are characterized by a strong and engaged community of fashion enthusiasts and trendsetters. The brand will also play a significant role in the synergy of the new MODIVO loyalty program, which is a key component of the CCC Group’s updated business strategy.

These changes within the CCC Group's e-commerce channels are aimed at maximizing customer benefits, ensuring efficient service, and improving the profitability of the online business.

Customers can find information about previously placed orders on the website:, where orders can be placed until December 31.

For more details about the business strategy, visit the corporate website:

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