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CCC Group join the initiative "Fur Free Retailer"

Gino Rossi, DeeZee and CCC are brands that joined the Fur Free Retailer program as part of the CCC Group. Its goal is to eliminate natural fur in the production of clothing and footwear. This is the next step of the Company in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Strategy.

Upon joining the "Fur Free Retailer" program, the CCC Group undertook not to use natural animal fur in the Gino Rossi, DeeZee and CCC collections. This decision is dictated by ethical considerations and is part of the company's strategy and activities in the field of sustainable development.

- As previously announced, we have signed a declaration of joining this international campaign. For us, it is a formal confirmation of the approach to animal and environmental protection that we have been following in our business for a long time. This is another important action that is part of responsible business and the development of ethical fashion - says Kamilla Budnik, Sustainable Development Leader at the CCC Group.

The CCC Group undertakes not to use, order, sell or promote any clothes, accessories or other products containing natural fur. At the same time, it expects from its contractors to document that the assortment they supply does not contain products of animal origin. These issues are regulated by the document "Principles and Good Practices for Buyers and Designers in the CCC Capital Group" introduced in the Group at the end of 2020, specifying the guidelines for cooperation with suppliers and the criteria for selecting new collections.

- Congratulations to CCC for taking this responsible decision. The "Fur Free Retailer" program operates in 25 countries, and in Poland, more than 100 highly popular companies have supported our demands and joined the initiative. These are brands that operate in line with the undeniable desire to reduce animal suffering, but also with consumer beliefs. - says Julia Tylman, campaign coordinator from the Open Cages Association.

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