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CCC, a leading footwear company in Central and Eastern Europe, has launched its mobile app in Hungary, now available from Google Play (to be published in the App Store in the coming weeks). Hungary is the third foreign market, after the Czech Republic and Slovakia, where CCC customers can use the app in addition to brick-and-mortar stores and the platform. The other markets where the company plans to roll out its e-commerce channel are Romania and Austria.

After more than two weeks since its release in the Czech Republic and Slovakia (initially on Google Play), the CCC app is now available to iOS users in the App Store.

The CCC app is now available in three foreign markets. In Hungary, electronic sales channels are gaining popularity by the year, and e-commerce by value is growing at a two-digit rate. We launched the online store in Hungary in April 2020, and it has been well received by customers. Now our customers can also use the mobile channel, which will provide strong support to CCC’s e-commerce operations and omnichannel sales that are a mainstay of our business. Hungary is an attractive market that is open to trendy novelties and new brands. We also reach Hungarian customers through other online sales platforms: the eobuwie store and the premium fashion online store Modivo,’ said Michał Pachnik, leader of the mobile app project.

According to various analytical tools, the CCC app ranks among the top three most downloaded apps of the last twelve months in the fashion category on Google Play in Poland. And CCC doesn’t even sell clothes, apps for which always top ratings in terms of user numbers. With this rapid growth, we are able to offer an increasing number of our customers the full spectrum of possibilities provided by our omnichannel solutions. We believe that this will also be the case for our foreign markets, including Hungary. The functionalities of the app will improve purchasing experience for CCC customers and will help us to get a better insight into Hungarian customers’ preferences. We continue our work on further improvements and new innovations. We are also constantly looking for specialists willing to join our expanding team,’ added Barbara Rogala, in charge of the CCC app development.

The CCC app facilitates online shopping through the use of modern functionalities such as Visual Search (searching for products using a photo; now available in iOS and soon also on Android) or ‘Discover’ (like/dislike) – searching by evaluating products available in the store. Customers can also check the availability of products in brick-and-mortar stores or find the nearest one. Users have access to the current promotional offer online and in brick-and-mortar stores, while members of the CCC Club can use the mobile version of their loyalty card. Those who want to join the Club can register through the application.

At the end of March 2020, the CCC Group was present in 29 countries. In 23 of them we operated through traditional stores and had an online presence in 15 countries. The Group operates a total of over 50 online platforms across Europe, including,, MODIVO, DeeZee, and Gino Rossi. Over 52 million pairs of shoes were purchased by CCC customers via all sales channels in 2019.

The CCC Group posted a sharp growth in e-commerce sales, of 39%, in the first quarter of 2019, with revenue contribution attributable to online sales rising to 43% during the quarter (vs 28% a year earlier).

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