Wiesław Oleś
Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Wiesław Oleś is the founder of "Oleś & Rodzynkiewicz" Advocates and Legal Counsel, limited partnership, and Forum TSI SA, completed law stuides at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. Following the completion of judge's training period, he passed the judge examination in 1991, and obtained legal counselor's rights in 1993. Following the completion of studies, Wiesław Oleś was i.a., member of the Board of the Regional Accounting Chamber in Cracow, consultant for the programs of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and has cooperated with i.a.: Harvard Institute for International Development; member of Lesław Paga Foundation Council.
He practices law in "Oleś & Rodzynkiewicz" Advocates and Legal Counsel by specialising in the issues of the capital market and investment funds. Wiesław Oleś was also, among others, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board and the President of the Management Board of TFI SA, and member of the Supervisory Board of Black Red White SA, Raport SA and Member of the Superivory Board of CPD SA. Mister Wiesław Oleś, pursuant to the submitted statement, meets the independence criteria specified by the European Commission in Appendix no. II to the Comission Recommendation of February 15th, 2005, pertaining to the role of non-executive directors or ones being the members of supervisory boards of stock exchange listed companies and (supervisory) board commission and the requirements indicated in Good Practices of WSE Listed Companies.