Zofia Dzik
Member of the Supervisory Board

Graduate of Economic Academy (AE) in Cracow, University of Illinois in Chicago, University of Social Sciences and Humanities In Warsaw and Executive Programs at STanford and INSEAD Business School, possesses the MBA title of Manchester Business School; mentor, certified member of the Association for Project Management (APMP), explorer of the subject of leadership and certified member of the John Maxwell Team, the leading international organisation brinign together prominent coaches, trainers and speakers in term of leadership.
Advisor in Arthur Andersen and Andersen Business Consulting companies during the years 1995-2003, also responsible for projects for the financial services industry within the scope of: strategy, scalability of business, connections, omnichannel, reorganisation and finances.
Since 2003 connected with Intouch Service Group (RSA Group) acting in fintech area, where during the years 2004-2007 she was the President of the Management Board of Link4 Insurance Company SA - the first direct insurer in CEE countries (start-ups, brand creation, CRM, process automation, individual risk assessement, new technologies agile, innovative distribution channels, leadership, man in work, talent management, succession); in the years 2007-2009 she was the member of Intouch Insurance B.V. management board in the Netherlands and CEO for Central and Eastern Europe of Intouch Insurance Group. When acting on this position she was responsible for the devlopment of new markets: she was chairwoman of the superivory boards of companies: TU Link4 SA (member of the board up to July 2015) and Direct Insurance Shared Services in Poland, Intouch Strachowanie in Russia (start-up) and Direct Pjistovna in the Czech Republic (start-up) and vice-chairwoman of the supervisory board of The Insurance Company for Life Link4 Life SA.
During the years 2006-2008 she was a member of the maanagement board of the Polish Chamber of Insurances. During the years 2007-2010 she was a member of the supervisory board of the Guarantee Security Fund. During the years 2010-2016 she held the position of an independent member of the supervisory boards of the following companies: KOPEX SA - mining equipment producer, Polish Energy Partners SA (PEP SA), renewable energy company, 2014-2016 FSCD (Digital University), 2015-2016 member of the supervisory board and the audit committee of AmRest SE - leading operator in the QSR sector in Europe, over 1000 restaurants - own brand of brandy and franchising for Starbucks, Pizza Hut, KFC; 2012-2016 PKOBP SA - leading universal bank in CEE, where she was also the vice-chairwoman of the aduti commission and the nomination committee and was part of the risk committee; 2015-2017 InPost - courier and parcel station operator, where she was also the chariwoman of the adit commission, 2011-2018 ERBUD SA, the leading construction company in Poland. Benfit Systems SA - innovative integrator of benefit services for employees and sports infrastructure operator.
Since 2010 she is an investor and social innovator, President of the Management Board of Humanites, think&Do social think-tank, combining the subject of Man and Technology, the goal of which is a systematic support of social transformation, construction of social capital and quality development of the society in four areas: Family, Education, Work Environment and World of Culture and Media, mentor, autor of "Cohesive Leadership™" model, program for the development of leaders constructing engaging organisations, giving the employees the space for an integrated life and for invigorating internal motivation; founder and director of the Leadership Academy for Education Leaders; Currently als an indepndent member of supervisory boards of the following companies: BRW SA - the leading producer and distributor of furniture in Poland and Europe (vice-chairwoman), PKP CARGO SA, the leading European logistic operator and cargo hauler in terms of railroad transport (member of the audit commission, chairwoman of the nomination committee), Sanok Rubber SA - international producer of products made of rubber.
Mistress Zofia Dzik, pursuant to the submitted statement, meets the independence criteria specified by the European Commission in Appendix no. II to the Comission Recommendation of February 15th, 2005, pertaining to the role of non-executive directors or ones being the members of supervisory boards of stock exchange listed companies and (supervisory) board commission and the requirements indicated in Good Practices of WSE Listed Companies.