Current report No. 24/2024

Assimilation of all series L ordinary bearer shares of the Issuer and fulfillment of the condition for introduction of all series L ordinary bearer shares of the Issuer to trading on the regulated market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange

(Current report No. 24/2024)

16.07.2024 /Issuer/

Legal basis:
Art. 56 (1) (2) of the Act on Public Offering - current and periodic information

The Management Board of CCC S.A. with its registered office in Polkowice (the "Issuer"), referring to the Issuer's current reports No. 18/2024 of 6 June 2024 and No. 22/2024 of 12 July 2024, hereby announces that the National Depository for Securities (Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A.) ("NDS") on 16 July 2024 decided to assimilate as of 19 July 2024 5,878,535 series L ordinary bearer shares marked with the code PLCCC0000149, subscribed for in a private placement and paid for by Ultro S.à r.l., with its registered office in Luxembourg (a subsidiary of Dariusz Miłek, President of the Issuer’s Management Board) ("Ultro") (the "Shares"), with the remaining bearer shares of the Issuer marked with code PLCCC0000016 and traded on the main market operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie S.A.) ("WSE").

The assimilation took place on the basis of the resolution of the Issuer's Management Board adopted on 6 June 2024 on the conversion of all the Shares into ordinary bearer shares and taking steps to assimilate them with the remaining ordinary bearer shares of the Issuer and their admission and introduction to trading on a regulated market operated by the WSE (the "Resolution"). The Resolution was adopted at the request of Ultro, a shareholder of the Issuer entitled to all the Shares, of which the Issuer reported in its current report No. 18/2024 dated 6 June 2024.

Thus, in accordance with the resolution of the Management Board of the WSE No. 909/2024 of 12 July 2024, on 19 July 2024 with the assimilation the condition for introduction of the Shares to trading on the main market of the WSE, of which the Issuer reported in its current report No. 22/2024 of 12 July 2024, will be fulfilled.

After the assimilation, as of 19 July 2024, 62,218,000 ordinary bearer shares of the Issuer will be marked with code PLCCC0000016. All remaining shares of the Issuer, i.e. 6,650,000 series A1 registered preferred shares of the Issuer, will remain marked coded PLCCC0000032.

See also

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