Current report No. 28/2024

Information on transactions on shares of CCC S.A. obtained in accordance with Article 19 MAR

(Current Report No. 28/2024)

31.07.2024 / Issuer/

Legal basis:
Article 19 (3) MAR - information on transactions performed by persons discharging managerial responsibilities.


The Management Board of CCC S.A. based in Polkowice (the "Issuer") announces that on July 30, 2024, it received a notification, pursuant to Article 19(1) of the MAR Regulation, of transactions on the Issuer's shares performed by persons discharging managerial responsibilities, from ULTRO S.à r.l. (a subsidiary of Dariusz Miłek - President of the Issuer's Management Board), about the acquisition:

1. on July 26, 2024, outside the regulated market, 50000 registered preferred shares, at a price of PLN 120.00 per share;

2. on July 29, 2024, on the regulated market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange, 4000 ordinary bearer shares at an average price of PLN 120.65 per share.

The notification received is attached to this current report.

See also

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