Current report No. 26/2024

Resignation of Mr. Igor Matus from his position as Vice President of the Management Board

(Current Report No. 26/2024)

23.07.2024 /Issuer/

Legal basis:
Art. 56 (1) (2) of the Public Offering Act - current and periodic information

The Management Board of CCC S.A. with its seat in Polkowice (hereinafter: “the Company”) informs that on July 23, 2024 Mr. Igor Matus, resigned, for personal reasons, from his position as Vice President of the Management Board of the Company and from his membership in the Management Board of the Company, effective September 16, 2024.

Responsibilities from the area of supply chain management in the entire CCC Capital Group will be entrusted to Mr. Łukasz Boguszewski, previously responsible for managing the logistics area in MODIVO S.A., which will further strengthen the synergistic effect of activities, in this area, within the CCC Capital Group.

See also

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