Current report No 18/2020

Announcement of a break in the Bondholders’ Meeting until 22nd of April 2020


(Current Report no. 18/2020)

15.04.2020 /Issuer/

Legal basis:

Article 17 sec. 1 of MAR - confidential information

The Management Board of CCC S.A. with its registered office in Polkowice (hereinafter: "the Issuer"), with reference to the current report No. 12/2020 of 23rd of March 2020 and current report No. 13/2020 of 28th of March 2020 informs that on 15th of April 2020 the Bondholders’ Meeting was held.

Bondholders’ Meeting before proceeding to vote on the resolution under item 5 of the agenda adopted a resolution unanimously to order a break in the Bondholders' Meeting by 22nd od April 2020 by 12:00. The proceedings of the Bondholders' Meeting will be continued after a break at: Creative City Concept ("CCC Showroom") in Warsaw at 104 Marszałkowska Street (second floor, above the CCC salon).




1 / Marcin Czyczerski    - President of the Management Board

2 / Karol Półtorak            - Vice President of the Management Board

See also

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