Current report No. 45/2020

Determination of the consolidated text of the Articles of Association of CCC S.A.  


(current report no 45/2020)


28.05.2020 /Issuer/


Legal basis:

Article 56 Section 1 item 2 of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodic information


With reference to the registration of a share capital increase and amendments to the Articles of Association of CCC S.A. (the “Company”) reported by the Company in its current report no. 38/2020 of 19 May 2020, the Management Board of the Company announces that on 25th May 2020 the Supervisory Board of the Company, acting pursuant to the authorization granted in Resolution No. 3/NWZA/2020 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company of 17 April 2020, passed a resolution determining the consolidated text of the Articles of Association of the Company reflecting the amendments contemplated in the Resolution of the Company’s Extraordinary General Meeting referred to above.

The consolidated text of the Articles of Association is attached hereto.

See also

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