Current Report No. 11/2017

Signing of annexes to the credit agreements by a subsidiary of the Issuer
(Current Report No. 11/2017)

18.02.2017 /The Issuer/

Legal basis:
Art. 17 paragraph 1 of the MAR – confidential information


The Management Board of CCC S.A. (The Issuer) informs that on 18th February 2017,
they received the information on receiving on 17th February 2017 by the subsidiary of the Issuer, Sp. z o.o., based in Polkowice, signed annexes dated on 16th February 2017, to a revolving credit agreement and the credit agreement in the current account of 3rd March 2009, concluded with the Bank Handlowy w Warszawie S.A. based in Warsaw, at 16 Senatorska Street. The Company informed about the conclusion of the aforementioned agreements in the current report no. 8/2009 on 10th March 2009.

The Annex to a revolving credit agreement has changed the value of the loan to the amount of PLN 226,000,000.00 (previous value: PLN 156,000,000.00) and repayment date until 13th February 2019 (previous period: 14th February 2018).

The Annex to the credit agreement in the current account has changed repayment date until 13th February 2019 (previous period: 24th February 2017).

Due to the executed changes the credit collateral to the fulfillment of credit agreements was established in the form of a mortgage to the amount of PLN 3,600,000.00 for a land property located in Chróstnik, on the ownership Issuer, for which the District Court in Lubin, V Department of Land and Mortgage Registry keeps a mortgage under the number LE1U/00041763/9.

Other conditions haven’t changed substantially and are similar to those commonly used for this type of agreement. Issuer's Management Board has decided to publish the above information due to the significant value of agreements.

See also

Zasób 7
Zasób 7

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