Current report No. 31/2017

Monthly report for the May 2017
(Current report No. 31/2017)

01.06.2017 /The Issuer/

Legal basis:
Art. 17 item 1 of the MAR regulation – confidential information


The Management Board of the CCC S.A. hereby informs that consolidated revenues for the May amounted to about PLN 406 million and were higher by 38.9% than in the corresponding period last year. Revenues of the period January – May amounted to about PLN 1.469 million and were higher by 29.1% than in the corresponding period of 2016.

The revenues from retail sales for the May amounted to about PLN 344 million and were higher by 33.9% than in the corresponding period last year, cumulatively, for the period January – May amounted to about PLN 1.192 million and were higher by 21.5% compared to the corresponding period of 2016.

The revenues in the e-commerce channel for the May amounted to about PLN 48 million and were higher by 130.3% than in the corresponding period last year, cumulatively, for the period January – May amounted to about PLN 207 million and were higher by 130.2% compared to the corresponding period of 2016.



1/ Marcin Czyczerski   – Vice President of the Management Board

2/ Mariusz Gnych        – Vice President of the Management Board

See also

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