Current Report No. 60/2017

Concluding an agreement on selling CCC products in the territory of Moldova

(Current Report No. 60/2017)

06.11.2017 /The Issuer/

Legal basis:
Article 17 sec. 1 MAR - confidential information

The Management Board of CCC S.A., based in in Polkowice (the "Issuer"), hereby informs that on 6th November 2017, between Sp. z o.o., a subsidiary of the Issuer, and Peeraj Brands International S.R.L. based in Kishinev (Moldova) (the "Company"), an agreement was made on selling by Peeraj Brands International S.R.L. products offered by the chain of retail stores under the CCC brand in the territory of Moldova.

Under this agreement, the Company undertakes to run on its own CCC stores and sell CCC products in the territory of Moldova. The expansion of the chain of stores in the territory of Moldova will commence with the opening of three new stores, the first of which will commence its operation in December 2017. The Moldovan market is the another stage of implementation of the strategy of expansion and development of the foreign sales network.

See also

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