Current report No. 32/2017

The Management Board of CCC S.A. based in Polkowice with reference to the current report No. 26/2017 dated on 11 of May 2017 containing draft resolutions for the Annual General Meeting of the Company convened on 8th of June 2017, informs that on 2 of June 2017 they received a notice by Shareholder Ultro Sp. z o.o. based in Polkowice, Strefowa 6, of intention to submit on the Annual General Meeting of the applications:

- Mr Wieslaw Oleś,

- Mr Waldemar Jurkiewicz

- Mr Piotr Nowjalis,

on Supervisory Board Members.


The information that refers to the application, statements of candidates and the CVs were submitted as attached.

See also

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