Current report No. 40/2017

Information on the outcome of the tax audit

(Current report No. 40/2017)

12.06.2017 / The Issuer /

Legal basis:
Art. 17 of MAR - confidential information

The Management Board of CCC S.A. hereby informs, regarding the current report no. 33/2017 dated 2 June 2017, that on 12 June 2017 the Company received the outcome of the tax audit of Sp. z o.o. which finishes the audit procedure on the validity of declared tax bases and the correctness of calculating and paying the corporate income tax for the years 2014-2015.

Based on article 24 sec.1 pt. 2 of the act on fiscal control, the findings and conclusions of the conducted audit procedure was presented. As a result of the activities carried out in the audit procedure, based on the collected documentation concerning the examined validity and the amount of corporate income tax collected, there were no irregularities found. The result of the audit does not give a rise to tax consequences for the Company.

See also

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