Current Report no. 61/2021

Increase in the number of members of the Issuer's Management Board and appointment of a new member to the Management Board

(Current Report no. 61/2021)

16.09.2021 /Issuer/ Legal basis: Article 56 paragraph 1 point 2 of the Act on Offerring- current and periodic information


The Management Board of CCC S.A. announces that the Supervisory Board, at the meeting on 16 September 2021, adopted resolutions to increase the number of members of the Management Board of the current term of office to 7 people and the appointment of Mr. Adam Marciniak as Vice President of the Management Board of the Company as of 16 September 2021.

The Issuer informs that, in accordance with its statement, Mr Adam Marciniak is not registered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors maintained pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 on the National Court Register and does not run any business outside the Company competitive to the business of the Company, does not participate in any business competitive in respect of the Company as a partner in a partnership, company or any other legal person as a member of its governing bodies.

A professional curriculum vitae taking into account the education, qualifications and positions previously held, together with a description of the course of professional work has been submitted as an attachment.



1/ Mariusz Gnych - Vice-President of the Management Board

2/ Hanna Kamińska - Proxy

See also

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