Current Report No. 2/2012

Timetable of publishing regular reports in 2012 (report no. 02/2012) 

12.01.2012 /Issuer/

Legal basis:

Art. 56 § 1 p. 2 act on Public Offering – current and regular information

Basing on § 103.1 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities dated 19 February 2009 (…) the Board of NG2 S.A. informs that during year 2012 financial reports will be published on dates:

1. Consolidated quarterly reports :

  • 4th quarter 2012 r. – 20.02.2012 r.
  • 1st quarter 2012 r. – 10.05.2012 r.
  • 3rd quarter 2012 r. – 14.11.2012 r.

Basing on § 101.2 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities dated 19 February 2009(…) NG2 informs that report for the 2nd quarter 2012 won’t be published.

  1. Consolidated semi-annual for the 1rst half 2012 – 31.08.2012 r.
  2. Individual and consolidated annual report for year of 2011 – 30.04.2012 r.

Furthermore, with accordance to § 83 of the Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on current and periodical information provided by issuers of securities dated 19 February 2009 (…), management of NG2 S.A. informs that individual quarterly reports and annual report won’t be published. NG2 S.A. will be publishing consolidated quarterly reports including quarter financial data and consolidated semiannual report including abbreviated semi-annual financial report.



See also

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