Current Report No. 12/2012

Change in the significant agreement (Current report 12/2012)

29.02.2012 /The Issuer/

Legal basis:

Art. 56(1)(2) Act on Public Offering – current and term information

The Board of the NG2 SA hereby informs that on 28 February 2012, the Company signed annex to the agreement of 28 October 2010, with Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A. based in Warszawa, ul. Puławska 15, Regionalny Oddział Korporacyjny we Wrocławiu, Centrum Korporacyjne we Wrocławiu, 54-203 Wrocław, ul. Legnicka 51/53, the „PKO BP SA”. The Company informed about the conclusion of the above agreement in the current report No 49/2010 on 29 October 2010.

The present annex changed the value of credit granted in the form of a multipurpose credit limit to the amount of PLN 75.000.000,00. (the previous value of PLN 50.000.000,00) to finance the current obligations of the activity, including the limit on bank guarantees to the amount of PLN 5.000.000,00.

Term use and repay the loan limit remains unchanged and will be until 27 October 2013. The interest rate from the amount in question shall be charged according to the varying WIBOR interest rate increased by the bank’s commission.

In relation to conclusion of an annex to the above agreement has changed the value of the loan collateral on the things fungible species (wrestling) with a value of not less than PLN 112.500.000,00 and assignment of rights from the insured above. stocks with a value not lower than PLN 112.500.000,00.

Other provisions of the agreement have not materially changed and do not differ from the market terms for this type of contract. 

The criterion for considering the agreement as significant is the amount of equity. The involvement of the PKO BP SA in lending for NG2 SA amounts PLN 75.000.000,00.



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