Current Report No. 5/2012

(Current report No. 5/2012)

24.01.2012 /the Issuer/

The resignation of the supervision person

Legal basis:

Art. 56 (1)(2) Act on offering – current and periodic information.

With accordance to the Resolution of the Minister of the Finance dated 19 February 2009 on current and periodic information relayed by issuers of securities […] (Journal of Laws No. 33(259)), the Board of the NG2 S.A. hereby informs that on 23 January 2012 received the information from member of the Supervisory Board – Mr. Paweł Tamborski, of his resignation from membership in the Supervisory Board. The reason for the resignation of Mr. Paul Tamborski nomination for Secretary of State in the Ministry of the Treasury.



See also

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