(Current report No. 10/2012)
24.02.2012 /the Issuer/
A candidate for the Supervisory Board member nominated by a Shareholders
Legal basis:
Art. 56 (1)(2) Act on offering – current and periodic information
Further to Current Report No. 9/2012 of 8 February 2012 containing the draft resolutions for the Extraordinary General Meeting convened on 6 March 2012, the Board of NG2 S.A. with registered office in Polkowice hereby announces that on 24 February 2012 it was notified by PKO Towarzystwo Funduszy Emerytalnych S.A. acting on behalf of investment funds: PKO Akcji, PKO Akcji Małych i Średnich Spółek, PKO Akcji Nowa Europa, PKO Stabilnego Wzrostu, PKO Strategicznej Alokacji, PKO Zrównoważony, PKO Parasolowy about the intention to report on behalf of the above Shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting Mr Adam Szczepanik the candidature as a member of the Supervisory Board.
Curriculum vitae including Education, qualifications and previous positions, along with a description of work history submitted in the attached.