Current Report No. 58/2016

Change in the total number of votes in the company CCC S.A.
(Current Report No. 58/2016)

07.12.2016 /The Issuer/

Legal basis:
Art. 70 point 1 of the Act on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organised Trading and Public Companies

The Management Board of CCC S.A. (The "Company") announces that on 7 December 2016 the Company received from: (a) Dariusz Miłek – The President of the Management Board, and (b) the company Ultro sp. z o.o. - the entity directly dependent on Dariusz Miłek ("Ultro"), a notification on the change of the share of these entities in the total number of votes in the Company, referred to in art. 69 and 69a of the Act of 29 July 2005 on Public Offering, Conditions Governing the Introduction of Financial Instruments to Organized Trading System and Public Companies (the "Act").

Due to the fact of referring of the above-mentioned notifications to the same transactions and circumstances, the content of notifications by Dariusz Miłek and Ultro sp. z o.o was presented in total in the latter part of this current report:

In two transactions off the regulated market on, respectively, 6 December 2016 and 7 December 2016 Ultro (directly) acquired (and through Ultro such acquisition was made by Dariusz Miłek) respectively 110,000 and 600,000 registered preference voting shares issued by CCC S.A. (each registered share gives two votes at the General Meeting of the Company). The shares acquired, referred to in the preceding sentence, represent 1.81% of the share capital of the Company and entitle to 3.10% of the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company.

Prior to the acquisition of the Company’s shares referred to above: (a) Ultro directly and through Ultro Dariusz Miłek, held a total of 10,350,000 shares of the Company representing 26.45% of the share capital of the Company, (b) Ultro directly and through Ultro Dariusz Miłek, was entitled to a total of 15,270,000 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders, representing a total of 33.36% of the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company.

After the acquisition of the Company’s shares referred to above: (a) Ultro directly and through Ultro Dariusz Miłek holds a total of 11,060,000 shares of the Company representing 28.26% of the share capital of the Company, (b) Ultro directly and through Ultro Dariusz Miłek is entitled in total to 16,690,000 votes at the General Meeting of Shareholders, representing a total of 36,46% of the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company.

Ultro does not own another subsidiary holding the Company’s shares. Besides Ultro, Dariusz Miłek does not own another subsidiary holding the Company’s shares

Both Dariusz Miłek and Ultro are not a party to any agreements the subject of which is the transfer of right to exercise voting rights attached to the shares of the Company within the meaning of art. 87 paragraph 1 point 3 letter c of the Act.

Both Dariusz Miłek and Ultro are neither holders of financial instruments nor they are entitled or obliged to acquire the Company's shares under the conditions indicated in art. 69 paragraph 4 point 7 of the Act.

Both Dariusz Miłek and Ultro are not holders of financial instruments directly or indirectly related to the Company's shares as referred to in art. 69 paragraph 4 point 8 of the Act.
Taking into consideration the content of the two preceding paragraphs, a total share of Ultro (through Ultro also a total share of Dariusz Miłek) in the total number of votes at the general meeting of the Company amounts to 36,46% and is discussed in detail in the fifth paragraph above.

1/ Piotr Nowjalis – Vice-President of the Management Board
2/ Mariusz Gnych – Vice-President of the Management Board

See also

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