Current report No. 23/2018

Amendments to the Bond Issue Program and commencing talks with Bondholders of Series 1/2014

(Current report No. 23/2018)

11.06.2018 /Issuer/

Legal basis:
art. 17 Act of 1 MAR- confidential information

The Management Board of CCC S.A. (hereinafter: "Company") hereby informs that due to the application of the new International Financial Reporting Standard No. 16 (IFRS 16) regarding Leasing, in accordance with the modified retrospective approach for the reporting period beginning on 1 January 2018 (as reported in the current report) CR No. 12/2018 as of 27 April 2018, the Management Board made appropriate changes to the established Bond Issue Program - hereinafter: "Program" (about which the Company informed in the current report CR No. 15/2014 of May 14, 2014).

Changes in the Program are aimed on adapting its content to the financial reporting standards, which are in force at the Company (IFRS 16) and changes in legal regulations that have been made since the Program was launched.

In connection with the above, the Management Board of the Company decided to start negotiations with the holders of Series 1/2014 bonds, issued by the Company on the basis of a resolution dated on 9 June 2014 (about the issue of which the Company informed in Current Report No. 21/2014 dated on 10 June 2014) regarding earlier redemption of Series 1/2014 Bonds in exchange for new series issued under the Modified Program. As a part of the issue of the Series 1/2014 Bonds, the Company issued 210,000 ordinary and coupon Bonds with a total nominal value of PLN 210,000,000.

The company will inform in a separate current report on the decision of issuing new bonds series and on the agreed terms of issuing bonds.

See also

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