Current report No. 28/2018

Undertaking the decision on issuing the bonds of the series 1/2018

(Current report no. 28 /2018)

21.06.2018 /the Issuer/

Legal basis:
art. 17 item 1 MAR - confidential information

The Management Board of CCC S.A. (hereinafter: "Company") hereby informs that, with reference to Current Report (RB) No. 23/2018 as of 11.06.2018 regarding amendments to the Bond Issue Scheme and holding talks with bond holders of the series 1/2014, on taking the decision to issue the bond of the series 1/2018 and the adoption of detailed terms for the issue of bond of the series 1/2018 (hereinafter referred as "Bonds"):

  1. The bonds shall be issued on 29.06.2018 on the basis of the Bond Issue Scheme established by the Company up to the maximum nominal value of the bonds not exceeding PLN 500,000,000;
  2. The company shall make a purchase up to 210,000 coupon bonds with a total nominal value of PLN 210,000,000;
  3. The Bonds shall be issued as bearer’s securities with the nominal value of one Bond in PLN 1,000;
  4. The issued Bonds will not have the form of a document. On the issue date, the Bonds shall be entered in the records kept by mBank S.A. After the day of issuing the Bonds, the company will take necessary actions to register the Bonds in the securities depository kept by the Central Securities Depository of Poland S.A.
  5. The Bonds shall be secured by a guaranty granted by the subsidiaries of the Company, that is Sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Polkowice and CCC Shoes & Bags Sp. z o.o. based in Polkowice;
  6. The Bonds will bear interest according to variable interest rate, based on the rate WIBOR 6M, increased by a fixed margin, interest will be paid in half-year periods;
  7. The Company shall take measures so as to introduce the Bonds into the alternative trading system operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange S.A. or BondSpot S.A.
  8. The bonds shall be redeemed at their nominal value on 29.06.2021.

The Bonds shall be subject of a private offer conducted on the basis of art. 33 item 2 of the Act of 15 January 2015 on Bonds, directed solely to the holders of the Company's Bonds series 1/2014 (hereinafter: " Bonds of Series 1/2014 ").

The Company shall allocate the Bonds to the bondholders of the Series 1/2014 who submitted subscriptions for the Bonds of the Series 1/2018 provided that such the Bonds of the Series 1/2014 shall be sold by their owner in total to the Company or mBank S.A. acting as a dealer towards the Bonds, on the date of the corresponding currency to the date of issue of the Bonds, that is 29.06.2018.

The Company shall purchase the Bond of the Series 1/2014 with a total nominal value of PLN 203,450,000 offered by their holders to be redeemed.


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